Stephanie DeCiantis

Digital OperA

Senta's Ballade

From Wagner's Der fliegende Holländer
Opera Sustenida Presents Stephanie DeCiantis singing Senta’s Ballade from Der fliegende Holländer, Suzanne Yeo - piano

Pace, pace mio Dio

G. Verdi
"Pace, pace mio Dio" from La Forza del Destino: In Verdi's La Forza del Destino, Leonora, hiding in a remote hermitage, prays for peace in this powerful aria. Haunted by guilt and sorrow over the deaths caused by her love for Alvaro, she begs God for release from her torment, longing for death as the only way to find peace.

Symphony No. 14

Composed in 1969, this symphony is a haunting exploration of death and mortality, setting the poetry of several poets to music. The soprano and bass soloists alternate in expressing themes of life, love, and the inescapable nature of death, all conveyed through Shostakovich's intense and emotionally charged score.

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Upcoming Shows and Events

13 August 2023
Classics in the Park

Introducing Stephanie DeCiantis, a celebrated dramatic soprano hailing from our neighborhood. With a voice that has graced opera houses worldwide, Stephanie has captivated audiences with breathtaking performances that transcend borders. As a distinguished opera singer, Stephanie has earned a reputation for her interpretations of timeless operatic roles, including Aida, Leonora, Tosca, and Senta. Not only […]

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1 August 2023
Bologna International Voice Competition

Stephanie is delighted to have been chosen to compete in the Semi-Finals of the Bologna International Vocal Competition. She will be headed to Italy with her favourite heroines: Aida, Maddalena, Tosca, and Sieglinde.

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3 June 2023
Verdi's Il trovatore: The MOVIE Launch Party and Concert

Il trovatore: THE MOVIE”Live Launch & Concert7pmSaturday, June 3rdHeliconian Hall, Toronto Get Tickets for Toronto Event on June 3rd! Our Trovatore Live Launch & Concert brings you live performances from your favourite Divas and special guest artists, Tarot readings, audience Q&A with The Divas, and sneak peeks from our Verdi-tastic "Il trovatore: THE MOVIE!"Each ticket […]

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